dimanche 9 novembre 2008


I'm drunk. I'm wasted. I'm busted. I'm Jacques Parizeau in crucial moments. And sometime, when it happens, I start to speak in english. A very very approximative one. I screw up verb tense, I put s where there aren't and vice versa. I write extremely short sentences. Stuff like that, you know. I also say you know a lot. You know?

The fact is that, I'm passing through a more depressive part of my life. In those cases, I get stupid, I use the fact that I'm young as an excuse, and I get lamely drunk. I scream stuff like "Fuck the world", "You scum mothafucking bag", "Lick my salty balls" and "Tabarnac". You know.

So I did one of my classic. I bought a lot of beers and I watched Forrest Gump. Hell yeah. I watched it cause it gets me so emotive. I'm so girly. My favorite character is probably Lieutenant Dan. The guy who lose is legs. I always find his story pretty moving. At first, he's so focussed on honor and pride, those concepts only worshiped by fool man and old woman. But slowly, he opens up and learn to really appreciate the fact that he's alive, life is beautiful and also short. Exactly like the skirt we love the most.

And now the movie is over. Forrest talking to the tombstone of his wife scene is always great. Tom Hanks is one of the best motherfucking actor on earth. I'm in front of my screen and a tear came to my eye. I swear it, that's how much of a moumoune I am. There is a scientifical term for that type of person, I read about it on a serious magazine, it is a technical word used in advanced psychology: LOSER.

I'm done showing my poor english publicly. I'm gonna go grab some sleep. I'm gonna finish this by saying: Crucial moments are like stinking vaginas, there are hard to recognize until you're actually into them.

14 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

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  3. Greatest english post ever published here!

    Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, Gimme, MORE

  4. "I'm gonna finish this by saying: Crucial moments are like stinking vaginas, there are hard to recognize until you're actually into them."

    Oh fuck.

    C'est la plus belle comparaison que j'aie lue depuis une éternité.

    Quand je suis saoule au point de virer anglophone, moi je dis très souvent "Haaa shut up!".

  5. You should do it again, but in Montreal. People are as fucked in those periods.

    Blame it on your hair color ;)

  6. Dis jamais "I'm gonna" à un anglophone. Jamais jamais.
    C'est juste les chanteurs qui peuvent faire ça.

  7. @pinocchio: Not too often, maytbe someday.

    @J.: Content que tu aies apprécié la comparaison haha. Le Shup up est également un grand classique de ce genre de situation. À ne pas oublier également: "Don't be a pussy Bobby".

    @anonyme: No luck for loque. Je suis cuit.

    @lithium: I'm going to Montreal next weekend, I'll see what is going on there.

    @love clichée: C'est mal?? Éduque moi!!!

  8. I know what youre sayin, sayin!

  9. Quoi? À coups de règle sur les doigts?

  10. @J.: Yep, je me tape un long périple routier pour cette éminente rencontre. C'est mieux d'être divertissant!

    @coco: Thank you, thank you.

    @love clichée: Ça prendra ce que ça prendra.

  11. Je m’arrête très souvent sur votre site que j’apprécie beaucoup, cela me permet de m’évader et de penser à autres choses….Que du bonheur !! Merci

  12. This blog is so nice to me. I will continue to come here again and again
    Good luck
